Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lady Ocean

Off to the coast for some much needed R&R.  It is so good to get out of my small world.
If one ever desires to feel small, stand with one's arms stretched out in a wingspan on the shore of Lady Ocean.

Just ask survivors of "Titanic."  As I aforementioned, I am mainly lonely and a little lost.  Can the ocean in fact wean my broken heart of its black despair?  I shall try my best to smile and be happy--not hapless.  What a far reaching personal goal.  Can the ocean's water really act as a balm?

I have packed my very own ham sammitch, and shall leave my thoughts momentarily to close one's eyes and savor this good food.  Bon voyage.

Beach, please!

A brisk day at the beach.  So many thoughts--in fact, as many thoughts as grains of sand.

"You memember me when the west wind blows on the fields of barley."  

That phrase of a song explains the scenic beauty far better than oneself ever could. The golden tendrils of lady sun melting on top of her sister Oceana.  On the boardwalk I witnessed my fair share of lovers holding hands.  Sigh.  This circle of life continues in a circle.  Sometimes in life.  Sometimes in death.

The seagulls chirp and cry as they look for bits of bread from humans.  Big and small.  But I shall call them she-galls, since I believe in gender equality.  We are so small against the ocean.