Tuesday, March 11, 2014

To see thigs thousands of miles away...

Whatever. Things can only look up from here I thought? It's true. So I thought that movie of Walter Mitty? So it's about a lot of thigs, but mostly about how this guy has a job. I got to get me one of those. Sigh. It's really not mine fault of being unemployed of a year. Some people have bad luck all the time, every day. My doc says that my gout, nipple bleeds, rashes, palpitachions, and velvet rash patch is a big cocern.

I really cant get it out of why I have bad luck. He says mebbe mine diet is a little off, so I need to understand. He says to write my diet down, and mayhaps buy a diary. But I says, "Doc, I even ardy have a facmous caputer diary." So I saved myself a dime? My diet for yesterday was 18 grape Shastas and 16 vitamin C pills.

Today: brefix: mountain Dew.
Lunchin: a personal pezza from pezza Hut.
Dinner: a carnton of milk, and then a yogurt, and 3 mountain Dews.

I just don't get it....wait...doy! I need more calories! I'm practically starving! Jeez! It's like my gyardyin angel was watching me write that and whispering in mine ear, "Derr!"

Now that that's cleared up, I can work on mine career!
Lately I been working on a act for showbiz, if you get my drift. So I'l let you fans in on a trade secret: tv needs one thig, and one thig only--men dressed up as a woman, but they are fooling everyone!

But like they get in a bit of trouble from time to time of not knowing thigs a woman would do in the world. Its just I made it up to keep up with the times. Tv needs a fresh idea for once, and this is it. Tecobell came over and we used mothers' dresses and mekup for to be 2 womin and fanned ourselves and went to the mirror to say "Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!" We even put on brassieres for to put socks in. It should be ready to send to Hollyweird in 2 to 3 months.

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