Friday, August 3, 2012


Stress! Why do we have to have it? I can handle my 4 (on average) broken hearts per year. But stress? No. Let me essplain. Today at work my boss told me that I would be transferred. Transferred!?! Yes transferred! What the helicopter???  I have lived in the same town for 6 years! Pardon my theatrics. I happen to sweat when I get angry, so I shall excuse myself to get a bandana for my troubles. Back. Now, I was so mad when my boss told me that (for bad behavior reasons I must admit) I will have to leave my many friend here in town and pack up! This aint my first rodeo! (Pardon my french again. I fear I am out of control tonight!). All that happened at work 2 weeks ago was that I pushed my coworker down the stairs. But she had been my enemy for 2 years! I was framed! It's like that thing of when the mother is not looking and the child screams and says another child is pinching them but they are smiling because mother didn't see that the other child was not pinching him! Fudge! I get worked up even thinking about it! Anyway, we shall call this work-emy "Sasha". I shall not go into details, but I might have a bloody nose stroke just thinking about it! Anyway, I was framed of pushing her down the stairs! She's the one that provoked me and asked if I had met the "deadline". Who is talking death threats now?!?It's not my fault her pencil ankle snapped! How will Jonathan even adjust to a new apartment?? And finding roommates! BTW Sasha is regular suing me! Guy. What a downer! I console myself with the fact that she is just jealous. Why does everything bad always happen to me! I don't deserve this!

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