Sunday, September 2, 2012


All this talk of love had me thinking...STOP, I need a break to think more about myself! I am always thinking of others, it's time to do more for ME. I decided to take a break from thinking of love. I swears, it's like a cuckoo bird is always flying around my head like a cartoon essept it is a cupid (the one of when he wears a diaper like a cartoon movie.) I did away with cupid and  decided to treat myself by seeing a flick that can never fail in the humor department (drum roll please): Tyler Perry and Madea!!! What a hoot! It even made me forget about having to take out a second mortgage on my house to afford a bucket of popcorn- prices these days! (I kid, I kid! I think seeing such a funny movie rubbed off some comedy on me). If you have never seen a Tyler Perry film then you are missing out!!! Luckily in mine own estimation there are at least 64 Madea movies, so just dive right in! (I like to dive right in alphabetically, as I do own most of them and like to review them on a regalar basis). Madea herself is a hoot! I love learning about different cultures in the film. And the make up and colorful costumes!! They are such inspiring and true to life dramas! I admit that I didn't know much about how people act in the South, but now I have a very vivid and clear perception that will never change. Almost like a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of culture or something! All thanks to Tyler Perry! I love that thing of when they have so many characters that look like twins but they have different costumes and gender! How did Tyler find all those people? Whoever plays Madea, well that woman is a genius! (she and Tyler Perry must be soul mates or something! I wonder if they are good friends off the set??)  They also taught me valuable lessons in the love department! Name a life lesson and it's covered! Greed, lust, abuse, that thing of when you can do bad all by yourself....everything! One last plug- these movies should get un Oscars for Best Picture! Such strong dialogue and plot lines. Very powerful stuff. Sigh. Can you tell that they are one of my passions?? Anyway, go out and see the latest one of the Witness Protection (or should I say Witless Protection-those white peeps are clueless  LOL ;) And if you love the movies you will love the stage plays. 4 hours of singing and high pitched bickering of Madea and her friends!  My only complaint about these films is that they are all only just over 3 hours- way too short!

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