Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jack Frost nipping at your heart

So I have had another issident of where I was turned down for love. It is just not that fair! I mean I am a good catch! A cad! I even remind myself of Lincoln! Johnathon is even Tad of where I carry him on my back all the time! The similarities are endless! I just feel like mine heart was scooped out like a melon. No more feeling like top dog on campus! These cold winter months are horrible on the old heart. I have even tried to take hobbies of puzzlemaking, crossstitching, and making nachos! All done on un single Saturday night, thank you very much.P.s. crosstitiching makes me frusstrated and I assidentally ripped the cloth in half and gave my finger a string cut after trying to rip the thread.  I hate trying to fill my hours! I look around and think, what more can I do to keep myself busy??? Life is truly hard when you have to think all day of how to entertain yourself. I know, a very sad life indeed. I just sit in my toasty house and eat all weekend while doing hobbies. Sad, but don't feel bad for me! I am un fighter!  I just feel like Jack Frost not only nips on your nose but also your own heart! Oh, life is truly not like a song of love you hear on the radio these days. How many years do I have to be so lonely!???? I'm glad that Johnathon cannot read this blog and can only looks at the pictures (until he lost his privileges by eating the buttons on 3 laptops. I swears, if he does it again he loses his computer time!) He is a fambly member, but I want love of the human kind. I guess I can try the old world of online dating? I wish I could just find love like on the movies. Too many times for to watch "You've Got Mail"...oh well. I guess it is back to wearing my black cape of despair. I would like to call into work for a broken heart, but I will not let the old team down! They don't mind when I have a hard time of love and need to go to the office without showering or even take a blanket and needing time of sitting on my coworkers floor while they talk me through life. So love:1, goodman: really is the loneliest number...I finally get that song.

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