Monday, December 3, 2012

The fires of love

A Christmas Miracle indeed! I cannot belive mine own eyes! It's like my heart was run over by a car yesterday. I was feelig like, what the heck, ok? The world was making me be the doormat and rubbing its boot in my face. Really, I am usually very private about my love life and daily struggles of love. Essept when I go through a break up, but I am a human, jeez! Anyway, last night I was so depressed about my most recent love rejection of 3 weeks ago that I had forgotten to buy my daily carton of goldfish crackers. John and I eat them like most peeps get bread or melk so I have to buy a carton a day (and not those weeny tiny bags, the gallon ones). Essept John's dr. (I call him Dr. doolittle arf little joke!) said that J can't eat them anymore since they give him gas and the preservatives are enlarging his heart. Anywhoo, I was so sad that I just put on my robe and went to the store in my pajams. I got my goldfish and was walking by the deli when I slipped in a puddle of diet coke (my shoes are from European since my uncle got them in Mexico so the heel and pointy tip sometimes cause trouble). Well that was it, I started crying since my life was a day at the dump! Then the angel comes out from the deli counter and helped me up. It was love at first sight! Like a million bandaids on my ex permanant broken heart! I will keep this private and not tell her name since you never know what weirdos are surfing the web these days. We are going on a date tomorrow and bessically talked the whole night over the deli meat that they didn't sell that day. I feel like when that thing of Wilbur can talk on Charlotte's Web! I even tried to do that same leg kick he does but I assidentally knocked over my christmas tree and pulled a hammy so John had to go for help. I have to use crutches again. Good thing I bought them since the dr. is always saying I don't "need" them. Whatever. But I don't care since I'm in LOVE! Tomorrow our date will be at the Deli since she is working off her $30,000 debt to her uncle of the owner of the store and has no time off or pay. But I will probably wear a tux and surprise her with fresh carnations! What a day! What a life! Just when everything was so hopeless my life long dream falls into my lap!

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